December Commencement Awards

During the 2024 winter commencement ceremonies, three graduates were recognized for their exemplary performance.
The Winnie K. and D.M. Wiggins Medal
Student: Brylee M. Smith, Bachelor of Behavioral Science
Awarded to the senior student graduating during the winter commencement for academic excellence throughout his/her entire college career. The medal will go to one who has spent three or more years in residence (including international study work taken through HSU) and who has excelled in character, personal development, and academic achievement.
Student: Mason Brady Cravens, Bachelor of Behavioral Science in Economics
Established in 1999 by The Academic Foundation of Hardin-Simmons University, the medal is awarded annually during the winter commencement to the graduate who has the highest-grade average, exemplifies the highest scholarly achievement, and has completed at least 90-semester credits of residence credit at Hardin-Simmons University including international study work taken through HSU.
Graduate Studies Award of Excellence
Student: Hailee Rae Stacy, Doctor of Physical Therapy
The HSU Graduate School recognizes an outstanding graduate candidate at the December commencement exercises with the Graduate Award of Excellence. This award recognizes the graduate who has excelled in his/her academic studies, possesses character and behavior consistent with the university’s purpose, and exhibits potential for significant contribution to his/her chosen field. A committee of graduate program directors selects the recipient. This award is funded by an anonymous endowment.